R&D Services

A&A offers R&D services through which we can work with your organization to perform small or large R&D projects based on either a fixed budget or a fixed fee approach to:
- Develop innovative spray materials and processes to achieve desired performance of your product.
- Evaluate thermal spray coating solutions for specific applications based on process conditions and performance requirements.
- Design and develop a process map for a given thermal spray process and spray materials for process optimization.
- Collaborate with government agencies and academic institutes for projects related to fundamental coating process study or solving real life application related issues with thermal spray coating process and optimization.
- In house testing laboratory for most thermal spray coating test requirements and strong partnerships with leading labs who understand the nuances of testing thermally sprayed coatings.
Why use A&A for R&D Projects?
- A trusted team of thermal spray experts and engineers with vast experience in coatings
- We are a leader in our industry with more than 70 years of thermal spray experience.
- Our Thermal Spray Coatings are a cost-effective solution for many problems.
- We can support small and large organizations and have experience with both.
- Long track record of support on government R&D as a vendor or sub-contractor
- Successful track record of transition from R&D to commercialization
- For over 20 years A&A has been a U.S. Navy Certified Thermal Spray Facility in accordance with MIL-STD-1687A